Buying Bitcoin in Canada. Use Bull Bitcoin!
Buying Bitcoin in Canada has never been easier than with Bull Bitcoin. The service is a world class bitcoin-only exchange that allows customers to deposit canadian dollars and receive BTC straight to their wallets.

The BitBox Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet
Check out the BitBox hardware wallet. One of GoFullCrypto’s favourite cryptocurrency hardware wallets for storing access to private keys.

Top Ten Questions About Bitcoin
The Bitcoin blockchain has now been active for over 12 years. In that time, it has gone from fractions of a cent and being used to buy pizza, to a store of wealth compared to gold. We answer some of the most common questions about Bitcoin here.

Jacinda Brown on Mining Bitcoin with Natural Gas
Jacinda Brown from CryptoKnight Energy joined us to talk about her experience of developing bitcoin mining farms alongside oil and gas wells. Jacinda brings her decades of experience as a geologist and working with oil companies to the relatively new space of using bitcoin miners to create more efficiencies within the systems of oil and gas extraction.

Mining Bitcoin with Hut 8
We had Sue Ennis, the vice president of corporate development from Hut 8 Mining on our podcast. Hut8 is a bitcoin mining company that is publicly traded on the NASDAQ and the TSX. Sue brought up a number of great points worth highlighting from the episode. There are two in particular that Go Full Crypto would like to focus on. The first is that bitcoin has a much larger potential to affect financial markets than people may realize. The other is that bitcoin has a specific role to play in acting as a buffer with its use in balancing energy grids.

Three Triggers that Led us to Leave Banking Behind
Mrugakshee and I didn’t stumble upon the decision to Go Full Crypto overnight. It was a decision that we arrived at over the course of several years. Looking back, there were three key experiences that we had that prompted us to take seriously the notion that we could live with our finances entirely within the world of cryptocurrency. These experiences all had to do with offputting interactions with the traditional baking system.

Shakepay Releases Bitcoin Card for Bitcoin Rewards
Are you a shaker? This is what ShakePay calls their user base. ShakePay is a Canadian mobile app that allows its users to purchase Bitcoin and Ethereum. Their rewards program allows users to log into their app, and shake their phone once per day to earn Bitcoin. We wrote about this in more detail in another post. This article is to talk about ShakePay’s latest announcement. They are releasing a VISA debit card that will allow users to spend and earn rewards in Bitcoin.

Get Bitcoin in Canada with #ShakingSats
People approach us all the time to ask us how they can get Bitcoin. In Canada, Bitcoin is relatively easy to acquire, especially with a service called ShakePay. Bitcoin doesn’t have to be complicated, and thats the main reason we like ShakePay, they make acquiring Bitcoin in Canada extremely easy! To top it all off, they have a rewards program called #ShakingSats that lets you shake your phone once per day and earn Bitcoin. Lets break this down so you can start shaking your phone!

Paying Taxes with ShakePay
Paying Crypto Taxes in Canada can be easy, especially if you use an exchange like ShakePay. If you took advantage of the #ShakingSats program, then you need to report your earnings as income. Instead of spending hours working out the math, you can automate your crypto tax report with a service like Koinly. Simply import your ShakePay transaction history and pay your Canadian crypto taxes.

Isaiah Jackson - Bitcoin and Black America
Isaiah Jackson unites two seemingly unrelated topics in his book titled Bitcoin and Black America. The book is an excellent resource for learning about Bitcoin, but also about the plethora of economic injustices felt by the community of black american people. It is not immediately clear how Bitcoin, the dominant internet money can help with solving these problems. Fortunately, Isaiah Jackson is a master of breaking down the technical aspects of Bitcoin, and connecting them with articulate solution statements.

Do I Have to Buy a Full Bitcoin?
You do not have to buy a full bitcoin to hop aboard the most popular money train on the planet. You can buy fractions of a Bitcoin. One Bitcoin can be divided into 100 million separate pieces. Each piece, is called a Satoshi. The easiest way to conceptualize the Satoshi is by thinking of the smallest unit of your country’s currency. I live in Canada, so my currency units are called Dollars, or “Loonies”. The smallest unit of a dollar, is a penny, and there are 100 pennies in a dollar. This divisibility is one of the aspects that makes currencies so flexible.

Dan Clarke - How to Live Without a Bank Account
Have you ever wondered whether or not you can live without a bank account? It turns out you can. A number of people have already accomplished this. Perhaps the most notable person to do so is Andreas Antonopoulos, stating on the Joe Rogan Podcast that he has lived on bitcoin for more than a year, and this was in 2014. Now, in 2020, living without a bank account, or “Going Full Crypto” as we call it, is much easier.

Turning Cash Reserves Into Bitcoin
It was quite the day when I woke up to find that a publicly traded company called MicroStrategy had turned $425 million dollars of cash reserves into bitcoin. To be honest, this came out of left field. I had a feeling this would happen someday, I just didn’t think it would be so soon. Just eleven years after the launch of Bitcoin, and companies are already buying it as a wealth preservation strategy. BUT WHY!?

Bitcoin, The Land Amongst the Sinking Titanic
This thing (Bitcoin) that emerged out of nowhere in 2009, invented by someone(s) who has no identity, is Bitcoin. We're now at a point where it has become worth several hundred billions of dollars. It's not like in 2017 when this price was fragile, Bitcoin has never been stronger. How ridiculous is it that the world is turning to this esoteric form of money in favour of their government sponsored money? The answer, in my estimation, is quite ridiculous. Yet, here we are.

Keeping Your Keys Safe
This is an important topic because if you fail to follow the rules of key safety, you can lose all of your funds with zero chance of recovery. This is an aspect of cryptocurrencies that actually turns a lot of people off. However, it is important to understand the tradeoffs that are made by taking full and complete responsibility for the security of your funds.

How to Recognize your Financial Pain, then Do Something About It
It can be that we’re in so much debt that we’re embarrassed to admit it. Or maybe it is because we live paycheque to paycheque and are unable to save for our future. There are no shortage of reasons why to be frustrated about your finances, but here at Go Full Crypto, we like to encourage people to be excited about money. We can do this, by talking about our Financial Pain, and how to Do Something About It.

Jay Malone
One interesting thing about Jay Malone is his latest experiment of comedy performed digitally. This is one of the things that caught the attention of Go Full Crypto. We thought since Jay Malone is experimenting with performing comedy over the internet, we would interview him on the prospects of internet based money; AKA Cryptocurrency.

It is not Too Late to Buy Bitcoin
What we encourage people to do, is to recognize that we are in the early stages of the digital revolution. The entire planet is undergoing rapid changes to digitally connect each and every human being. The foundations of the internet were laid in the 1960’s and 1970’s, and it wasn’t until the 1990’s that the internet was commercialized. Asking whether or not it is too late to invest in bitcoin, is like asking whether or not it is too late to invest in the internet in 1990.

How to Monetize Your Content on Publish0x
Publish0x is a news and blogging site with a twist. Both the reader and writer can earn a bit of side cash when using the platform. That’s right, it pays to consume content on the site. That is because your attention is worth money.