How to Recognize your Financial Pain, then Do Something About It

Managing your finances is not easy. For most of us, it is the most complex thing we do on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. For some of us, it’s even the thing we dread the most. Money and finances tend to be a topic that is dreaded and even dismissed in the interest of individual privacy. It can be that we’re in so much debt that we’re embarrassed to admit it. Or maybe it is because we live paycheque to paycheque and are unable to save for our future. There are no shortage of reasons why to be frustrated about your finances, but here at Go Full Crypto, we like to encourage people to be excited about money. We can do this, by talking about our Financial Pain, and how to Do Something About It.

Crypto Medicine

The first step in determining what crypto can do for you is to identify your pain. For me, it was feeling like my money doesn’t serve my interests. This might sound weird to some because thinking about money as serving our interests is not exactly the first place our mind goes when considering money. I came upon this realization after the 2008 financial crash. I was feeling disenfranchised by the state of the monetary system that we are all a part of. It wasn’t until 2015 that I learned that cryptocurrency is a money that is entirely devoid of government control. This was the most appealing aspect of it to me, as it was the government that is the source of the problem when it comes to the mishandling of money. If you cannot create money to mishandle, then you get rid of the problem. So for me, it was important that I support a currency (no matter how volatile) that actually has my best interest at heart. All this is to say, this is my journey, and you must find your own reasons. Here are a few for you to consider.

  • The value of my savings is being eroded by inflation because most of my investments are in government bonds. Inflation is higher than my yield from government bonds.

  • My local government has placed capital controls on my money in the bank. I can’t access it to spend it. I need to buy things like food, and education, rent, and education for my family.

  • I need to send money to my family in a timely manner. Using traditional money transfer services are too expensive, and take too long. Furthermore, after the money “arrives” in my bank account, there is a hold on the money for some time.

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Keeping Your Keys Safe


Jay Malone