Ali Hamam from Tahinis Restaurant

Go Full Crypto just launched our very first guest interview on September 1st, 2020. The interview was with Ali Hamam from Tahinis Restaurant. Ali came into the cryptosphere as a result of his decision to convert the cash reserves of his business into Bitcoin. For many, this is a controversial decision. For us, this is what Go Full Crypto is all about. After listening to Ali’s reasoning behind this decision, it is clear that this was not a decision based out of impulse or FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Ali spent a large chunk of time between January and March reading and consuming investment articles and podcasts. For us, Ali is a shining example of the ideal crypto journey.

The Ideal Crypto Journey

Here at Go Full Crypto, we promote a crypto journey that helps people avoid making common mistakes within the world of cryptocurrency. From not succumbing to FOMO, to avoiding scams and hacks, to knowing what to invest in. From our point of view, Ali followed a simple three step process on this journey to Going Full Crypto.

  1. Educate Yourself

  2. Take your First Step

  3. Go Full Crypto

We highly recommend that you educate yourself sufficiently before diving into the world of crypto. You will save yourself a lot of time, energy, and money by consuming a variety of bitcoin and crypto content from different sources. Then, instead of throwing your life savings into crypto after a day of studying, we recommend that people take a small calculated step. This can be as little as $10, but we recommend something like $100. Most people have not reached the third, Go Full Crypto step. This is where you start to incorporate cryptocurrency into your everyday life. This may be where you have more than 50% of your wealth within crypto. It may be that you decide to take up a job writing cryptocurrency content for news sites. Whatever it might be, going full crypto is for those of us who want to be a part of the coolest, and most revolutionary financial technology the world has ever seen.

A True Bitcoiner

Ali Hamam is a true Bitcoiner. We asked Ali if he had looked into other cryptocurrencies. Essentially Ali is interested in investing in the cryptocurrency that has the best chance of long term success. Ali was influenced by the popular Medium article by Robert Breedlove “The Number Zero and Bitcoin”. Bitcoin has the best chance at locking in the general public, and therefore has achieved market dominance. This perspective is characteristic of what Go Full Crypto calls Crypto Essentialism.

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