Go Full Crypto

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How to Monetize Your Content on Publish0x

Publish0x is a news and blogging site with a twist. Both the reader and writer can earn a bit of side cash when using the platform. That’s right, it pays to consume content on the site. That is because your attention is worth money. Content is monetized through metadata. What are you reading, when are you reading it? Publish0x is a great site that generates all sorts of content, not just stuff that is related to cryptocurrency. Go Full Crypto has a blog on Publish0x where we engage with people from all over the world. Through Publish0x, we earn three cryptocurrencies. Ethereum (ETH), the Basic Attention Token (BAT), and Loopring (LRC). Don’t worry, once you GoFull.Crypto, you will be able to put this money to work for you!

The Go Full Crypto Blog

What do we blog about?

All manner of things that pertain to cryptocurrency.

Quite frankly, cryptocurrency is one of the most interesting things taking place on the planet right now. Not just because it is new tech, because it realistically has the potential to bring a lot of good into this world. It actually has the ability to fix some very fundamental problems with our money. The money that everyone on the planet uses could be better. If it could be better, why wouldn’t I adopt it.

Fix the Money, Fix the World. — Reddit

Go Full Crypto has a mission to help people all over the world understand cryptocurrency, at your own pace. I’ve been talking to my parents for nearly 7 years now, and they’re only now coming around to it. The Go Full Crypto blog on Publish0x is our way of reaching people from all around the world. Publish0x is also a community of people that enjoy reading and writing content for money.

Get Paid for Your Attention

How valuable are you to Facebook? You’re worth somewhere in the neighbourhood of $253. That number is high for Amazon! Facebook is one of the best companies at monetizing your attention. All day long people are scrolling through the news feed filled with content that you and others have produced. Once in a while you scroll past a “sponsored post” which just means advertisement. Every time you do that, Facebook gets paid. Don’t get me wrong, I am fine with Facebook getting paid, they’re running a company, and it needs to make money. However, I don’t believe with the philosophy of giving the user nothing but entertainment. Some things are about not getting ripped off.

After thinking about this for a while, I’ve arrived at a general rule when it come to my attention. It is best to receive something rather than nothing. It feels good when you receive compensation for something you’ve done. We’ve been taught that there is no value in scrolling through our news feeds. That is really not the case for these mega tech companies. They understand that news feeds are nothing but valuable. Cryptocurrency offers a better way to do things. There is an underlying ethos in the cryptocurrency space of giving back and automatically doing what is fair. This is why we use Publish0x, If our content is good (and it is), then both us and our readers get paid.